Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Paranormal Romance where art thou?

Lately every mainstream movie lot is filled with next big paranormal movie based on a series from some well known author...(Yup best sellers of course...). What about the unsigned author or the series whom we love to read, but isn't well known unless its on sites like Goodreads or Shelfari(I'm just saying...). The days of Anne Rice, Lora Leigh, and Kate Macallester are what open doors for some of the new authors who stories are just as good and sometimes better in my opinion. 

Where have all the sexy heroes gone?

 I've just read the Tears of Crimson series and I have to say wow!!!! This series gives Charlene Harris (True Blood) a run for its money. Michelle Hughes really put the sexy back in vampires and hot, hot, (did I say hot) sexual domination in every character and scene. From the beginning I was fanning myself and at the end I was drooling...(Hello Gabriel). Then there is Lisa Renee Jones Underground Guardian series which makes Lora Leigh Breeds look like a bunch of domesticated cats(I'm just saying). 

Amazon's freebies(Yes I said freebies) has given the readers, bloggers, reviewers and writers a place to meet and form a new bond.  There are many more of the unsung authors out there and not enough marketing to go around. So instead of all the same ole paranormal endings and romantic undertones try to explore and venture to the darkside... There is a whole new world of paranormal and all you have to do is click, download and enjoy. 

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